Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Why are people so slow to ditch negative and anti-social attitudes towards sex? Is it because they are just plain stupid or are they still fascinated by some of the sado-masochistic practices which ran rampant throughout the dark ages?

Today’s majority is not quite so united in the opinion that every occasion of sex must be devoted to producing a little Catholic baby or a little Protestant baby. There is a growing awareness that sex can be enjoyed by all – without the stresses of the dark ages! Even the hassle of a live partner can be dispensed with!

The wide range of sex aids/toys available is sufficient to provide even the most timid and shy with the means of safe self-exploration and discovery, while applying the best possible standards of hygiene.

Yet, in an age which is definitely much more technologically enlightened than the dark ages, the same old criticisms are being dished up by intellectually bankrupt defenders of the dark ages. Why?

My own view is, quite simply, that widespread confusion is caused by indoctrination in the guise of education, and that fear of the hierarchy – instilled throughout our crucifix ‘n beads republic since 1922 – continues to wreak havoc within Irish society. One superficial change has occurred : our once loud-mouthed, bullying, Catholic majority has lowered the volume in the hopes of old scores being forgotten.

Real progress is still being held back by incessant wrangling between Catholics and Protestants. An increasing percentage
of those wishing to be associated with neither remains simply ignored while the struggle between Roman Imperialism and
British Imperialism goes ever-onwards!

We were born into a majority culture which publicly can only make shit of human intimacy!

In the confusion, is it any wonder if some young people think the search for something positive in life is just a waste of time?
Is it any wonder if sex continues to be a behind-the-hand sniggering matter?
Big money, inflated boobs, elongated dicks, these are the popular sex-related topics of the Irish.
No one dares suggest that there should be an open exchange of views concerning the recreational and therapeutic value that sex can and should play in our lives.
A majority culture which cannot encourage respect for human intimacy can only cause further damage! Hasn’t enough damage already been done?

Business people legally importing sex aids/toys for retail distribution make no attempt to advertise their wares positively.
Isn’t this odd in a world which places such emphasis on the need for marketing?
Possibly there is easy profit in having a reputation as a sleaze-merchant?
Or are our forces of law-and-order concerned that liberation may de-stabilise the control of profits (and perks) which lay unquestioningly in their hands for so long?


Will Ireland always be controlled in the name of a morally bankrupt majority?
Regrettably, I doubt that Ireland’s young people have much to look forward to for maybe another 30/40 years. My generation and probably those who came after us will need to be long dead and forgotten before positive change becomes possible.
The 20th Century certainly was Ireland’s century of shame!


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