Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Recycling an old issue is seldom any fun, but when others refresh it, and dish it up on a silver platter, unasked, - my, that's enticing.

The latest in a string of enjoyable pursuits, did come as a surprise!
That portion of the Brown Paper Envelope Brigade operating in the Ballymun area in the guise of refurbishment, has a huge amount of sycophantic supporters, and, in their unseemly haste to pretend that due process of EU regulations are being honoured, the creation of "committees" has become an absolute farce.

Rather than being unaware of it, Dublin County Council seems to be the main driving force behind this travesty of "community consultation", resulting in the so-called community representatives from the highest level (very high) to the lowest (very, very, very low), all wearing the standard-issue blinkers provided. Everybody has the "catechism" off by heart, and dutifully reiterates the relevant piece, regardless of it sounding like utter nonsense, which it is, of course. BRL bullshit has become the popular alternative religion in the community.

Unfortunately, when this superficial approach to the creation of "comittees" seeps into an accommodation area labelled by the County Council as a "protected dwelling" or "senior citizens" complex, I think that's going too far!
I have lived in such a complex nearly 10 years now, and was very willing to constructively support a committee when I arrived here first. In less than 6 months, I was "demonised" as anti-Catholic because I advocated equal concern for all the neighbours! I protested but was ignored, so I walked away from trying to cope with bigotry. The guy primarily resposible for "demonising" me is Brendan Bent!
Three weeks ago, I became aware of the creation of another "Bent" committee.
So I pulled a couple of minor local stunts to make locals and Council staff aware that I have no desire to be demonised twice in ten years!
Was it really worth all the hassle? DEFINITELY!


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