Atheists Have No Right To Hold Views!!
At least not on anything important. Not on anything relating to "morality", and, to the Irish Catholic, sex education is certainly a "moral" issue.
Now I have held the view for many years that every 12-year old deserves to have a reasonable grounding in human intimacy, without which there would be no human race. Such education should be provided with conviction and enthusiasism. Kids need to be told that sex is perfectly OK, (and a little bit more in fortunate circumstances). Avoiding unfortunate circumstances is the sole crux of the matter!
Best sex hinges essentially on mutual respect between the parties concerned, with the necessary regard for health, hygiene and the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Needless to remark, moderation is a good idea.
As I touched on in a previous post, the availability of a wide range of sex toys/aids should also be acknowledged and appreciated.
The mutual respect factor requires honesty in communication, the use of ambiguous (or exploitative) terminology is un-acceptable. This places entire vocabularies relating to "religious morality" out of bounds - the purpose of the schoolroom should be to unravel and clarify the state of the world today, rather than to add to the sorry mess.
That the world is full of control-freaks is probably already quite clear to 12-year olds, so encouraging them to be alert and take care of themselves should not be too difficult. Indeed, the ranting opposition from control freaks has always been, and still is, the main stumbling block, and we have a plentiful supply of those on this little island.
So the road ahead is long & rocky - so why am I going on about this? Simply to put on record my own experience and perception of the dismal failure of our MAJORITY Catholic culture.
Being only a short, skinny, specky guy who never married, whenever I DARE to express an opinion on human affairs, someone will attempt to silence me on the preposterous assumption that I cannot possibly know anything whatever about the subject.
Sure I'm not married, never had a wife, never had any kids - sure what do I know? Rather peculiarly, my great disadvantage rests on the fact that I never joined the large number of Irish unmarried fathers! Such is the low level of Irish Catholic "morality".
Humourously, it's probable that in one particular 4-month relationship I gained more experience (& had a lot more fun) than most Irish husbands of my generation gained in their entire lives.
Therefore I can say with the utmost conviction and enthusiasm that good sex is not about the popularly perceived "ten-minute-physical-jerk-off". Not at all!!
Best sex is about being SOBER, after a good sleep, after sharing the bathroom/shower together, and engaged in both before & after breakfast! Do our schools take the stress and risk out of our natural sexuality? I very much doubt it.
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