Preparing for the Silly Season!
Not wishing to gloat over anybody else, but being able to deal with reality only, really makes life a lot easier and much more enjoyable.
Having taken the best part of 6-weeks off, in an effort with a few locals to show some migrant workers based in Ballymun that they mattered too, I had a pretty good idea that I wouldn't miss out on any major happenings during that spell. Too damn
As I understand things, our majority culture likes making a fuss over non-happenings and shitty priorities, such as the importance of making Gaeilge an official language within the EU!
Of course, a goodly number of cushy, well-paid non-jobs will be created for the old crowd who made such a cobblers of it over the last 80 years. They really should be investigated for defrauding the taxpayer for so long, but, unfortunately our administration seems to despise the taxpayer and raise tax-fiddlers and fraudsters to the level of "esteemed citizens". Not unique to Ireland, however.
Getting back to the point, though, how many real happenings have I missed? Has there been any signiificant change during my absence?
I'll try to short-list them in my next blog, shouldn't be too difficult.
Cheerio for now.