Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bertie, the IRA, theColumbia Three...?

Fianna Fail - the party of Catholic Nationalism? Bertie, Ireland's little David stands against George Bush? It's too far for my little brain to stretch.
So just why does Bertie seem determined to reinstate the Sinn Fein leaders in the area of democratic politics, and in such a bloody hurry?
These three, who have just stepped down from the IRA executive (which they were not on, remember)must have done a ton of unpleasant little favours for Fianna Fail or other persons close to Bertie in the past. How long before some of these favours become "breaking news"?
The only serious political question right now is future competition between Fianna Fail and the Provos (sorry, I should have said Sinn Fein).In the North, the tame SDLP is the preferred arm of Fianna Fail. Can it be re-vitalised sufficiently to become the vote puller of the majority of Northern Catholics? If not, will there be some marketing strokes to absorb Sinn Fein into Fianna Fail?
Is this why Bertie seems to be taking such daft risks at present?
The whole world will be watching attentively for the rest of this year, anyway, but the world has also grown a little wearier over recent years.
It's the young blood in Fianna Fail I feel sorriest for, bet they never dreamed of the albatross their party had draped around it's neck. That won't affect Mary Lou
though, she's laughing (or is she?)