Little Sign Of Improvement
September - has the silly season ended or re-commenced? I noticed some Sinn Fein posters locally which suggest that they expect to successfully hijack the "Make Poverty History" slogan. Their cheap attempt ro place partition on anything similar to the world problem of poverty and starvation, truly spotlights thei narrow vision.
Bush is in more trouble, Blair not out of the woods yet, Bertie seems to have lost the plot entirely.
The next 12 months will produce a lot of change, hopefully some of it for the better, but I expect anything worthwhile will come from outside Ireland.
Fortunately, from an atheist's wiewpoint, there is a lot of positive activity going on. American Atheists have hired a full-time professional lobbyist, with some other great campaigns in operation, The Brights have now a registered constituency of 18,000.
If only Ireland's young people were more aware of where to look for glimmers of hope
in our very badly administerd world, run mostly by fools, thugs, cheats and liars, it might help to reduce the increasing suicide rate.
Ah, well! Because of our majority christian/catholic culture, we mustn't expect too much.
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