Fader Bertie All-Hallows
It looks like the Fianna Fail party might be in the hands of someone even holier that George Bush!
Bertie's house is within the grounds of a Catholic college. Has he purchased it, or is he merely renting it from the owners?
It might explain Bertie's grovelling reverence for the landlord, but, it's not really what one would expect nowadays, is it?
Ah well, it is harder for the older generation to cut the ties with the "men in skirts".
Seriously though, does it mean that Bertie has never had to face the challenge of buying a house of his own?
Who owns the bloody house? That's the point.
Ireland's Taoiseach is drawing the country into a stance where there may seem to be no choice but to support his grovelling defense of the Irish Catholic Church. Does he really think he can get away with that?
Like George Bush, when it comes to Bertie's religion, the electorate can go to hell!