Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Try out the following site

Friday, August 11, 2006

Today's Evening Herald carries an article on a 2-bedroom terraced house
which cannot be sold at €30,000, because it's in Southill, Limerick.
Obviously, none of the Gardai operating in Limerick are living in Southill, but have they allowed the reputation of the area to sink so low in oder that they/their friends can make easy profits in the property market?
With the public attention brought about by the rip-off cost of accommodation in our cities, surely they would have forseen that such an example would not reflect well on their professionalism/integrity ?
On a national level, do they still ignore the need for themselves to be seen to clean up their act?
It certainly seems so!