Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

I'm So-o Grateful To The GAA!

Yes, indeed. There's not a single square inch of Irish soil beneath which the roots of Irish Catholic Nationalism can't be found. Quite naturally, how could it be otherwise? And yet, the mere mention of the term so often causes Irish people to recoil as if from something contagious, some un-mentionable evil. Of course, this will be denied, that's what the Irish are best at.
So I'm really grateful to the GAA for grabbing the spotlight and not letting the Irish forget that Irish Catholic Nationalism is alive and well, and living in Croke Park!
OK, so their Conventions usually are fully focussed on the sporting value to Ireland's youth - but not always. Constitutions, and two-third majorities and a not very user-friendly rule book are used when required to keep control of the Association firmly, legally, in the grip of those who prefer to blow the illusory trumpets of past greatness.
The behaviour pattern of the Catholic Hierarchy in minimising it's expenses regarding child sex abuse compensation, and that of the GAA in holding onto power, a power rightfully theirs in a bygone era, maybe, is strikingly similar. Falling back on legalities founded in the Dark Ages, framed by the rich and powerful to protect themselve from the poor! Just how radical can they get?
However, enough said about the GAA, after all it's only one of the many faces of Irish Catholic Nationalism, which became truly effective only after 1922.
Irish Catholic Nationalism has surely played a significant role in many other ways to increase it's clout in the modern world. The entire national infra-structure was totally at the mercy of the Catholic Hierarchy. Unlike the USA and other parts of the world, it would not be necessary for a national mafia to bribe bent judges, nor high-rankung Gardai etc. The budding Catholic State simply appointed them!
Anybody reluctant to pledge their allegiance might as well emigrate. No matter what their qualifications might be, they'd never gain any recognition within the setup.
The fantasy of the Catholic State laid the tracks upon which the faithful would advance, and this farce continued until the Catholic Hierarchy was exposed in the 90's.
Only then did the serious effects of maladministration begin to dawn of those who were drawing salaries & expenses as State administrators. Then began an anxious flurry of cover-up operations, in which the national media had to collaborate, in order to prevent or delay more massive scandals from coming to light.

After 80 years of independence from dreaded Britain, and a Celtic Tiger era, Irish Government departments are only beginning to realise that financial records can be analysed, that paper trails to personal bank accounts exist, that modern communications are a serious risk to the old method of using legalities to delay the shit from hitting the fan.
We have a Department of Health with it's killer hospitals, a Department of Education which fails to instil in children any appreciation for their continued existence, Catholic parental responsibility suffering from a Rip Van Winkle syndrome, a Gardai force which doesn't bother trying to connect with the majority of citizens - just the better-off,etc. etc.
But none of that is important, compared to the increasing number of Irish joining the ranks of the super-rich! Now what connection could that have with Irish Catholic Nationalism? Right now, I haven't a clue, but I have no doubt all will be explained in time to come.


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