Irish Atheist

An open-exchange base for Irish Dissenters. Hopefully, a platform enabling Ireland's non-believers to make contact, exchanging opinions and experiences, at least until I become aware of a more competent platform.

Location: Dublin, Ireland

Born in Summerhill, a centre-city slum. Now 63, I remember the '60s as a time of economic relaxation in Ireland, with greater freedom of expression being taken for granted. Of course, abortion and euthanasia were still very much taboo subjects, but merely hurdles which would be jumped eventually. The '70s would be Socialist! How wrong we were back then.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Indo Article Breaks Desmond's Wrist?

Hey! Isn't this really something? A great article in yesterday's Sunday Independent entitled "Il Papa Ratzi's Secret Message". Was intending to add comments of my own, but got to like it too much in it's original form, so I'll just add it in complete.

Il Papa Ratzi's secret message
Sunday Independent April 24th 2005
NATURALLY the first question most people asked about the new Pope was, "when will he come to Ireland?" From France to the Philippines, from Lesotho to Laos, it was all anyone wanted to know.
Papa Razzi was barely settling into the fisherman's shoes before Bertie Ahern was inviting him around. And not in a half-hearted way. Inviting a pope to Ireland is in no way a casual, aspirational or formal invitation made for the sake of diplomacy. It is more a vague threat. "We'll see you now, Holy Father."
After Bertie says the word, the real business starts. The Irish priests who run Rome start working on it, essentially ensuring that anyone who tries to stand in the way of the Pope coming to Ireland will never eat lunch again in Vatican City. And this time we have the ultimate inducement to hang over Benedict's head. "JP2 was going to come only he died. I'm sure he would have wanted you to fulfil his last wish, his final deathbed desire, to come to Ireland."
You have to feel sorry for old Razzi. He's in the shoes of the fisherman and the shadow of a saint.
Desmond Connell is working on the visit too. He met the Pope on Wednesday last and apparently brought him greetings from the Irish people. Then it emerged that the Pope had responded. The Pope, just days into his tenure in the Vatican, had sent a message to the Irish people. It was a wonderful message, my friends. It was, in Desmond's own words, "so wonderful, so precious". So what was it?
This is where we run into a problem. We don't know what the message was. Desmond won't tell us. The Pope has a message for us and Desmond isn't telling. And do you know why Desmond won't tell us? He says we wouldn't understand. Desmond says the message was "so wonderful, so precious . . . you wouldn't understand" and he declined to reveal it.
He's teasing us with how good it is, mind you, but he won't tell us. Only he understands how good it is. It's like a fine wine or an adult joke. We wouldn't get it. Sometimes you have to wonder if these people have learnt anything from their past arrogance and subsequent humbling.
Unless, of course, the message is just too much and would blow our minds. Is Bono actually the Second Coming? Does the Pope know where Shergar is buried? Maybe he knows where the odd socks go. The Pope knows something and he wanted to tell us. Now Desmond knows something and he better tell us. Because if he doesn't, we're going to start thinking it's something about us.
Did the Pope say, "You Irish are thick and you smell like pigs"? Or maybe the Pope wants to save his message until he comes himself. You are coming, aren't you, Holy Father?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

A Haven From Heaven!

Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined anything like this!
Being able to speak freely, and not only to myself, but to the world at large.
Who cares if nobody is listening, right now that's grand by me, as I am looking forward to unburdening myself quite a lot more before considering replying to silver-haired saintly Irish mothers who are praying for my soul. No, I'm not on a wild ego-trip, I'm simply recalling my first-hand experience of the late 1960's, when I first tried calmly writing of my different views in a variety of newspapers and magazines in Holy Catholic Ireland.
Back then, the Irish Christian Brothers were one of Ireland's much revered exports!
Back then, the only conceivable brand of socialism was Christian/Catholic socialism.
That's why, with the British Parliament sustaining a blatantly sectarian state in the North, permitting violent Protestant pogroms against Catholics to go unchecked, it was so easy to whip up a frenzy amongst Southern Catholics.
Back then, the National Governments throughout Europe found their control slipping.
They were not properly prepared for the popular growth of socialist ideas & values.
Working-class socialists on the street had learned the popular lingo of politics and were very ably challenging the conservatives. For example, a French Archbishop sought (and was granted)permission from the Vatican to set up a (something) for Dialogue With Non-believers In France.
Combatting the growing popularity of socialism was then the No.1 priority in the mind of every conservative power-bloc in Europe!
Thus, so it came to pass that violent Protestant pogroms against Catholics in Northern Ireland led to the creation of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association. The possibility of unity between Catholic and Protestant workers loomed as a horrible nightmare for the conservative powers.
The most obvious and easy to use of these forces were the Churches.
That's why the first and only real success of Haughey's newly created puppet organisation, the Provos, was it's role in destroying the Civil Rights Association, safe-guarding the sectarian division for another generation, or two. or three or more.

That's all the Provos were ever created for, nothing else, to serve as a pawn for the powerful. Nothing very heroic, patriotic or glorious about that, to my simple mind.
For Adams and McGuinness to delude themselves that members of the largest party down South would create and sustain the means of Fianna Fail's own future downfall is incredible! No, intrigues like that are the stuff of children's fairy tales, not real politics.
One can only speculate on whether or not a Civil Rights Association, properly supported on both sides of the border, would have achieved so little and cost so much! In the 35 years that have passed, so much has changed, the world has passed by the old reasons for keeping sectarian feuds alive - quite regardless of the Provos or the Paisleyites - in spite of them, in fact. It simply remains to be seen how much the 2 real powers still depend on keeping up the charade, pretending that that which is NOT HAPPENING is wonderful news. How many more HISTORIC EVENTS can the spin-doctors expect to get away with? How many more HISTORIC SPEECHES must we listen to from Adams/McGuinness?
The plain truth is, whatever mess may exist today, it is only because both Governments nurtured the warring factions for 35 years. Today's Peace Process Provos have been rewarded enough for crippling the Civil Rights Movement, to my mind, and both Governments can simply get on with the job of putting real criminals behind bars. What are they waiting for?

I'm So-o Grateful To The GAA!

Yes, indeed. There's not a single square inch of Irish soil beneath which the roots of Irish Catholic Nationalism can't be found. Quite naturally, how could it be otherwise? And yet, the mere mention of the term so often causes Irish people to recoil as if from something contagious, some un-mentionable evil. Of course, this will be denied, that's what the Irish are best at.
So I'm really grateful to the GAA for grabbing the spotlight and not letting the Irish forget that Irish Catholic Nationalism is alive and well, and living in Croke Park!
OK, so their Conventions usually are fully focussed on the sporting value to Ireland's youth - but not always. Constitutions, and two-third majorities and a not very user-friendly rule book are used when required to keep control of the Association firmly, legally, in the grip of those who prefer to blow the illusory trumpets of past greatness.
The behaviour pattern of the Catholic Hierarchy in minimising it's expenses regarding child sex abuse compensation, and that of the GAA in holding onto power, a power rightfully theirs in a bygone era, maybe, is strikingly similar. Falling back on legalities founded in the Dark Ages, framed by the rich and powerful to protect themselve from the poor! Just how radical can they get?
However, enough said about the GAA, after all it's only one of the many faces of Irish Catholic Nationalism, which became truly effective only after 1922.
Irish Catholic Nationalism has surely played a significant role in many other ways to increase it's clout in the modern world. The entire national infra-structure was totally at the mercy of the Catholic Hierarchy. Unlike the USA and other parts of the world, it would not be necessary for a national mafia to bribe bent judges, nor high-rankung Gardai etc. The budding Catholic State simply appointed them!
Anybody reluctant to pledge their allegiance might as well emigrate. No matter what their qualifications might be, they'd never gain any recognition within the setup.
The fantasy of the Catholic State laid the tracks upon which the faithful would advance, and this farce continued until the Catholic Hierarchy was exposed in the 90's.
Only then did the serious effects of maladministration begin to dawn of those who were drawing salaries & expenses as State administrators. Then began an anxious flurry of cover-up operations, in which the national media had to collaborate, in order to prevent or delay more massive scandals from coming to light.

After 80 years of independence from dreaded Britain, and a Celtic Tiger era, Irish Government departments are only beginning to realise that financial records can be analysed, that paper trails to personal bank accounts exist, that modern communications are a serious risk to the old method of using legalities to delay the shit from hitting the fan.
We have a Department of Health with it's killer hospitals, a Department of Education which fails to instil in children any appreciation for their continued existence, Catholic parental responsibility suffering from a Rip Van Winkle syndrome, a Gardai force which doesn't bother trying to connect with the majority of citizens - just the better-off,etc. etc.
But none of that is important, compared to the increasing number of Irish joining the ranks of the super-rich! Now what connection could that have with Irish Catholic Nationalism? Right now, I haven't a clue, but I have no doubt all will be explained in time to come.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Atheists Have No Right To Hold Views!!

At least not on anything important. Not on anything relating to "morality", and, to the Irish Catholic, sex education is certainly a "moral" issue.
Now I have held the view for many years that every 12-year old deserves to have a reasonable grounding in human intimacy, without which there would be no human race. Such education should be provided with conviction and enthusiasism. Kids need to be told that sex is perfectly OK, (and a little bit more in fortunate circumstances). Avoiding unfortunate circumstances is the sole crux of the matter!
Best sex hinges essentially on mutual respect between the parties concerned, with the necessary regard for health, hygiene and the prevention of unplanned pregnancy. Needless to remark, moderation is a good idea.
As I touched on in a previous post, the availability of a wide range of sex toys/aids should also be acknowledged and appreciated.
The mutual respect factor requires honesty in communication, the use of ambiguous (or exploitative) terminology is un-acceptable. This places entire vocabularies relating to "religious morality" out of bounds - the purpose of the schoolroom should be to unravel and clarify the state of the world today, rather than to add to the sorry mess.
That the world is full of control-freaks is probably already quite clear to 12-year olds, so encouraging them to be alert and take care of themselves should not be too difficult. Indeed, the ranting opposition from control freaks has always been, and still is, the main stumbling block, and we have a plentiful supply of those on this little island.
So the road ahead is long & rocky - so why am I going on about this? Simply to put on record my own experience and perception of the dismal failure of our MAJORITY Catholic culture.
Being only a short, skinny, specky guy who never married, whenever I DARE to express an opinion on human affairs, someone will attempt to silence me on the preposterous assumption that I cannot possibly know anything whatever about the subject.
Sure I'm not married, never had a wife, never had any kids - sure what do I know? Rather peculiarly, my great disadvantage rests on the fact that I never joined the large number of Irish unmarried fathers! Such is the low level of Irish Catholic "morality".
Humourously, it's probable that in one particular 4-month relationship I gained more experience (& had a lot more fun) than most Irish husbands of my generation gained in their entire lives.
Therefore I can say with the utmost conviction and enthusiasm that good sex is not about the popularly perceived "ten-minute-physical-jerk-off". Not at all!!
Best sex is about being SOBER, after a good sleep, after sharing the bathroom/shower together, and engaged in both before & after breakfast! Do our schools take the stress and risk out of our natural sexuality? I very much doubt it.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

A Short Fiction Based On Fact!

Some years ago, a neighbour living in the flat directly beneath mine seemed to be only interested in drinking himself to death. To me he was an independent and principled person.
Lonely and embittered, he kept to himself and read a lot, preferring such material as might describe Adolf Hitler in a favourable light.
I thought this odd and out of character with him, especially as he had served as a navigator in the RAF during WWll. Of course, he was on record as a deserter.

It hadn’t been his intention to desert. He had simply come home on a few days leave to pass on a few shillings to his mother, and let his father and young sisters see that he was alive and well. Poverty in Dublin was ugly in those days.
What he hadn’t expected, however, was to be approached , alone, by a faceless stranger with a Dundalk accent, and told that he was not to return to England. That if he returned and his family died in an accidental fire shortly afterward, he himself would be to blame.

He was afraid that this was no empty threat, so he never returned. Instead he stayed home and had to make up excuses for “deserting”, thereby becoming acceptable to the noble cause of Irish Catholic Nationalism. Men in his situation could then be held up as proud examples while Irishmen who continued to serve in the British forces for the duration of the war were vilified and scorned.

He was only a young man at the time, and he lived another sixty years, fitting into a despicable and shameful pretence, and I am pretty convinced that by the time he and I became close neighbours, he actually looked forward to the peace of mind which only death could bring.


It would be interesting to know just how many decent, honourable Irish men are listed in the records of the British forces as “deserters”. Similar shameful incidents most likely occurred in every town and village in Ireland, and possibly even worse.

As all such victims would now at least be in their 70’s, the chances are that the Catholic Nationalists feel fairly confident of their “patriotic” terrorism never being exposed. But some victims may yet, or may have already confided in a trusted family member or friend, and probably British military records could still produce factual statistics on the numbers of Irishmen who came home on leave and never returned.

In major urban areas particularly, joining the military and fighting in a war was very often seen as no more than earning a living and contributing to a hard-pressed family. To his family, each soldier would be a hero.
To be intimidated into becoming a “deserter” and keeping quiet about the real reason behind his newly discovered “patriotic” values, must have placed an intolerable stress on such victims.
On a wide-spread basis, it would have cut deeply into the Irish psyche and leave ugly scars, again most likely in major urban areas more than in rural areas.

Ireland’s intellectual need to “avoid mirrors” is deep-rooted and widespread, not to mention bloody-well justified!


Why are people so slow to ditch negative and anti-social attitudes towards sex? Is it because they are just plain stupid or are they still fascinated by some of the sado-masochistic practices which ran rampant throughout the dark ages?

Today’s majority is not quite so united in the opinion that every occasion of sex must be devoted to producing a little Catholic baby or a little Protestant baby. There is a growing awareness that sex can be enjoyed by all – without the stresses of the dark ages! Even the hassle of a live partner can be dispensed with!

The wide range of sex aids/toys available is sufficient to provide even the most timid and shy with the means of safe self-exploration and discovery, while applying the best possible standards of hygiene.

Yet, in an age which is definitely much more technologically enlightened than the dark ages, the same old criticisms are being dished up by intellectually bankrupt defenders of the dark ages. Why?

My own view is, quite simply, that widespread confusion is caused by indoctrination in the guise of education, and that fear of the hierarchy – instilled throughout our crucifix ‘n beads republic since 1922 – continues to wreak havoc within Irish society. One superficial change has occurred : our once loud-mouthed, bullying, Catholic majority has lowered the volume in the hopes of old scores being forgotten.

Real progress is still being held back by incessant wrangling between Catholics and Protestants. An increasing percentage
of those wishing to be associated with neither remains simply ignored while the struggle between Roman Imperialism and
British Imperialism goes ever-onwards!

We were born into a majority culture which publicly can only make shit of human intimacy!

In the confusion, is it any wonder if some young people think the search for something positive in life is just a waste of time?
Is it any wonder if sex continues to be a behind-the-hand sniggering matter?
Big money, inflated boobs, elongated dicks, these are the popular sex-related topics of the Irish.
No one dares suggest that there should be an open exchange of views concerning the recreational and therapeutic value that sex can and should play in our lives.
A majority culture which cannot encourage respect for human intimacy can only cause further damage! Hasn’t enough damage already been done?

Business people legally importing sex aids/toys for retail distribution make no attempt to advertise their wares positively.
Isn’t this odd in a world which places such emphasis on the need for marketing?
Possibly there is easy profit in having a reputation as a sleaze-merchant?
Or are our forces of law-and-order concerned that liberation may de-stabilise the control of profits (and perks) which lay unquestioningly in their hands for so long?


Will Ireland always be controlled in the name of a morally bankrupt majority?
Regrettably, I doubt that Ireland’s young people have much to look forward to for maybe another 30/40 years. My generation and probably those who came after us will need to be long dead and forgotten before positive change becomes possible.
The 20th Century certainly was Ireland’s century of shame!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Linguistics For The Ordinary Person.

In my opinion, 99% of real crime in the world is condoned by our so-called educational establishments. I mean big-time crime - the stuff that even elected governments are party to, and sometimes even victims of. So, why do I pick on our "educational" establishments? Because,I have long thought that at primary level, children should be informed on the importance of the words we use and on the best uses of versus the abuse of. Most of the world's thieving and cheating has always, and continues to be, concealed by the simple ploy of vocabulary-switching. It goes back a long time! Biblical reference to the Tower of Babel may be origin of "babble" -dressed up as the "gift of tongues".It may also be labelled as jesuitry (OED), code, emergency legislation, National Security,and many other things too. But while it's purpose can be positive if used to raise everybody's level of understanding, it is almost always used as an advantage of the better educated against the less educated. That the better educated continue to abuse the less educated in this way says little for our educators. They praise charities rather than call for improvements to make them un-necessary - is that not a fair indicator?

Friday, April 01, 2005

A Lunatic Anti-Catholic?

On the contrary, hatred is irrational and a waste of one's resources. With five sisters, all of whom are religious, close to my own age (3 Catholic, 2 Jehovah's Witnesses) and without independent financial resources myself, I simply had to learn to survive in this negative culture, mostly by raising questions rather than making simplistic assertions. I've engaged in trade unions, left-wing politics, community democracy. as well as reading-up on history, real-politics, psychology and even a little philosophy. It is quite well understood by those who know me that I am quite impartial in my dislike for ALL irrational belief, not just those of a Catholic culture. The political ideology of Catholic Nationalism is just another out-dated ideology, not unique to Ireland, exploiting past superstitions and religious beliefs, and intellectually on par with National Socialism. Most Irish socialists have been influenced by the "need for popular growth" in a culture in which the Irish Catholic Church held virtually monopoly control. A ready example of this can be seen when RTE needs to roll out representatives of the working-class or the poor, one may expect to see Eamonn McCann side-by-side with Peter McVerry SJ. Maybe not such strange bedfellows, after all!

Getting some of my own back!

Having had a naturalistic approach to life, rather than a supernaturalistic approach, for the first 55 years of my life I felt the need to tread very carefully in talking with family, friends, work-mates etc. The majority culture has always claimed a right to be super-sensitive and became "offended" at any tiny sign of disagreement with their views.
I often refused to give in to this "emotional bullying" (there were times when it was wiser to) and so felt isolated for much of that time.
However, I never dreamed I'd live to see the day when the Irish Catholic Church would fall off it's pedestal, blind drunk with it's own power, especially as a consequence of child sex abuse, as has been exposed over the past 15 years. Neither did I forsee the global improvements in communications which makes the covering-up of incompetence and dishonesty much more difficult for administrators.
Obviously, I am now thoroughly enjoying the daily/weekly exposure of our dysfunctional little "rosary bead republic" in all it's Catholic Nationalist glory!